- Lunar/Solar calendar (Hijri/Gregorian) with digital clock.
- Prayer times and sunrise time are displayed in two different ways (database, coordinates).
- Two different Lunar calendars are now available:
- Ummul Qura calendar: steady and not adjustable.
- Hijri calendar: adjustable and calculated from Gregorian calendar.
- Displaying the Hijri months names and the days of the week.
- Two different time modes, 12\24 hours (option).
- Auto and manual switching of the daylight saving mode.
- Audible and visible alerts at each prayer and Iqama time.
- Displaying Iqama Time (Remaining Time to Iqama) with possibility to set this time for each prayer individually.
- Two different modes to set Iqama Time (Relative, Fixed).
- Displaying temperature in Celsius (range between 0 ~ 40° C).
- Displaying temperature in Fahrenheit (option).
- Easy to control by a Remote Control and a Local Keypad.
- Lock and unlock Remote Control.
- Power save mode (from Isha' to Fajr).
- Enable and Disable key tones.
- Connecting AL-Muaqita to PC via USB port to upload prayer times file for a city (option).
Product Details | |
Model Number | M624-L303 |
Frame Color | 03 |
Frame Material | Aluminum L3 |
Power Supply | 5v-2.00A |
Digital Display Color | Red |
Digital Display Size | 1.5 inch |
Width | 60 cm |
Height | 104 cm |
Thickness | 3.74 cm |
Weight | kg |
Width (With Packaging) | 65 cm |
Height (With Packaging) | 115 cm |
Thickness (With Packaging) | 6.5 cm |
Weight (With Packaging) | kg |
Accessories |
Product Description | |
Design Name | D100 - Royal arch |
Front Panel Content | Arches |
Front Panel Language | Arabic |
Front Panel Subject | Islamic |
Front Panel Subject | General |
Product Group | Prayer Times Clock |
خصائص فنية | نظام التوقيت 12 |
خصائص فنية | Next Azan |