This book is a modest effort to try and study one aspect of the human feelings, which we all suffer from, even for a short period of time, that is, “ The Feeling of Grief and Depression”. Dealing with grief and depression is difficult but the cure does not require chemicals, This Islamic book by Dr. Abdullah Al-Khater details Islamic advice for dealing with grief and sadness from an Islamic perspective.
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Table of Contents:
1. Definition of Grief & Depression
2. Symptoms of Depression
3. Causes of Depression
4. Remedy: the Muslim Creed
5. Remedy: Piety & Righteousness
6. Remedy: Supplications & Prayer
7. Remedy: Contemplating the Worst Cases
8. Remedy: A Realistic, Not Idealistic View of Life
9. Remedy: Good Opinion
10. Remedy: How to Behave Towards People
11. Remedy: Hope
12. The Medical Treatment of Depression