This treaties aims at exhorting and reminding the significance of the Shahadah and Salah towards which most of the Muslims are very careless as they are not particular about it, in spite of fact that it is one of the five pillars of Islam and that without it Islam cannot be firmly established.
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Table of Contents:
The significant of Islam…………5
Shahadaah (the Witness)…………10
The Effects of believe in Tauhid………..12
The Importance of Salat (prayer)………….18
The Times of Five daily Compulsory Salat………25
Obligatory Parts of Salat………28
The Prerequisite Conditions of Salat…….34
Prayer of JAMMAH (congregational prayer)…………..44
Salat Al Jumua (Friday prayer)……………….46
Individual SUNNAH prayer……….50
Congregational sunnah prayers…………53
Forgetfulness Prostrations……….56
The Language to be used in Salat………….62
The Salat in the Quran…………..66
The Salat in the SUNNAH…………….70