The Stories of the Prophets - Hikmah Publishing


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Brand: Hikmah Publications
Language: English

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Prophet Stories
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The stories of the Prophets
Taken from Taysir Al-Latif Al-Mannān fi Khulāsat Tafsīr Al-Qurān (The Exegesis of the Qur’ān)
Allāh mentioned the stories of the Prophets in His Book, who were the purest examples, the leaders of guidance and lanterns amongst darkness. They are those whom Allāh mentioned as:
“They are those whom Allāh had guided. So follow their guidance.” [6:90]
He also encouraged us to reflect on these stories due to the examples and exhortations found within them. Allāh said:
“Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding. It (the Qur’ān) is not a forged statement.” [12:11]

The scholars of our pious predecessors -Allāh have mercy on them- were the leaders in this as they investigated the stores of the Prophets and extracted highly important benefits and numerous fine wisdoms from them. From among these nurturing scholars and sincere callers to Islām is the Noble Shaykh, al-‘Allāmah ‘Abd al-Rahmān Ibn Nāsir al-Sa’di – Allāh have mercy on him and grant him the abode of Paradise. For he exerted his time, efforts and entire life in service to the Book of Allāh -may Allāh reward him in the best fashion for his service to Islām and the Muslims.